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Selfridges turns to BrightSign players for Denim Studio launch

Selfridges, one of the world’s best-known department stores, is using BrightSign solid state players to help launch the world’s biggest denim store at its flagship location in London’s Oxford Street....

BrightSign to Celebrate the Latest in Digital Signage Innovations at ISE 2024

Think about the last time you were at a quick-serve restaurant and saw a juicy burger and crispy fries appear on a digital sign above the counter. Didn’t it make your mouth water? Probably. That’s why seventy-four percent of consumers are at least...

Why We Need A More Collaborative Approach To Education In The AV Space

No matter where you live within the AV ecosystem, chances are a big part of your job is studying up on the latest technology. After all, if you’re going to offer your customers a compelling solution, you need to keep your finger on the pulse of technical...

Thoughtful Deployment of Temperature Screening During COVID-19

Throughout the world, organizations of all sorts are grappling with the challenge of safely operating against the backdrop of COVID-19. Retail establishments, restaurants, professional offices, public spaces – they’re all looking for ways to resume...

Retail’s Touch-Free Future of Interactivity

Years ago, when touch screen interactivity approached mainstream adoption in retail, customers were adapting to a new workflow. The progression of customers understanding, trusting and ultimately using touch-interactive signage took...

The Lockdown Boom in Retail AV

It’s been a good year for sales of AV to retail. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. The truth is that there were winners as well as losers, and the winners won big. BrightSign received the single-largest PO in its history right in the middle of lockdown. That...

The Importance of Investing in the Future

One thing that’s become clear to me over the past several months is how critically important it is that each and every one of us stay engaged and involved through this tough time. Despite the promising vaccine news that’s been trickling out recently, we...

See you at InfoComm!

If we’ve learned nothing else from this pandemic, we’ve certainly learned the importance of adaptation in the face of ever-changing circumstances. Like any crisis situation, countless times we’ve needed to quickly assess a situation, measure risks and...

Security Before Performance in our Connected AV World

As painful as it may be for AV managers, in the connected world of cloud-based signage operating over corporate IT networks, security has to take precedence over performance and functionality. Even the flashiest, most impressive AV systems are inherently...